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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is coaching?
    The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential." Coaching is about discovery and choice. People seek coaching when they have motivation for change. Do you desire a better quality of life, more fulfillment personally and/or professionally, or a more balanced life? As coaches, we help you discover gaps between where you are and where you want to be and aid you in making choices that close those gaps. Coaching is about forward movement. Get out of that rut you are stuck in; you deserve to thrive!
  • Why would I want a coach?
    Coaching can help you: Overcome burnout Get unstuck Move through transitions Take practical steps toward your goals Discover more about yourself Identify & leverage your strengths Build your confidence Expand your vision of your future Find clarity about choices you need to make Improve your work-life balance Unlock your potential Fulfill your dreams
  • How is coaching different from therapy?
    From the International Coaching Federation (ICF): "Therapy deals with healing pain, dysfunction, and conflict within an individual or in relationships. The focus is often on resolving difficulties arising from the past that hamper an individual’s emotional function in the present, improving overall psychological functioning, and dealing with the present in more emotionally healthy ways." "Coaching, on the other hand, supports personal and professional growth based on self-initiated change in pursuit of specific actionable outcomes. These outcomes are linked to personal and professional success. Coaching is future focused. While positive feelings/emotions may be a natural outcome of coaching, the primary focus is on creating actionable strategies for achieving specific goals in one's work or personal life. The emphases in a coaching relationship are on action, accountability, and follow through."
  • What do coaches do?
    Coaches: Are committed to digging deep, listening intently, challenging, motivating, and encouraging you. Are drawn to this work because they desire to make a difference by helping you reach your potential and achieve your dreams. Ask questions to help you think deeper and discover new insights. Help you anticipate what you could become, overcome self-defeating habits or insecurities, manage relationships, develop personally and/or professionally, and conquer obstacles. Listen beyond the surface level. Help you grow through life transitions. Enable you to reassess your life goals, find new career options, change your lifestyle, reevaluate your financial goals, and discover what truly matters to you so you can thrive in your current stage of life and beyond. May use tools or assessments to help you in the discovery process. Help you with with accountability. Will be straightforward, honest, and kind.
  • What do I do as a coaching client?
    As a coaching client, you need to be committed to: Honesty Exploration Change Learning Taking risks Investing in yourself Persevering It is vital you are willing to go beyond your comfort zone and step into the unknown for the sake of your own transformation and goals. Don’t fret! This is why you are hiring a coach. Your coach is here to support you and to cheer you on. We promise persevering through any uncomfortable places will be worth it when you reach where you want to be in life!
  • What coaching standards do you adhere to?
    At Cultivate Coaching, we adhere to the International Coaching Federation (ICF) standards. The ICF standards can be found here:
  • Have the coaches at Cultivate Coaching had professional training?
    Yes! Jesse & Katherine have professional training from PCCI and will soon be accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
  • What is the difference between Life Coaching & Leadership Coaching?
    The overall process of coaching is consistent across Life Coaching & Leadership Coaching; the difference is the client's focus. (We separate them to aid our clients in narrowing down what they hope to achieve from their coaching experience.) With Life Coaching, the typical focus is around the client’s personal life. With Leadership Coaching the typical focus is around the client’s professional life. Don't know which type of coaching to choose? That's okay! At Cultivate Coaching, all new clients start out with a FREE 15-minute Discovery Session where you get to know your coach and discuss what you want to get out of your coaching experience, so your coach will help you figure it out. Life Coaching sessions & Leadership Coaching sessions are the same price at Cultivate Coaching, so there's no pressure to choose one over the other. You may wish to focus on both personal and professional topics in your session, making it a mixed Life + Leadership Coaching session. That's great! Throughout the course of your coaching relationship, you will always set the agenda.
  • Will you coach our team or staff?
    Absolutely! Please contact us for more information on executive coaching options and pricing.
  • How do I schedule a coaching appointment?
    Please visit our Book Now page to schedule your coaching appointment.
  • What happens if I miss my scheduled session?
    A missed or skipped call can't be rescheduled after the fact and a refund will not be issued. Please give 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule a session. If you have an emergency, please let us know and we will work around it.
  • What if none of the available time slots on the scheduling page work for me?
    If none of our listed availability works for you, please contact us via the website so we can work with you to find a mutually agreeable date & time for your session.
  • Do you only do sessions via telephone or Zoom (video chat)?
    The majority of our sessions are done via telephone or Zoom video chat, but if you live in the Raleigh, North Carolina area we may be available to meet in person depending on availability and circumstances. Please reach out to us via the website if you are interested in doing an in person session.
  • How long are the coaching sessions?
    Each session is scheduled for 45 minutes. We do 45 minute sessions so we have a short down time between our sessions to make sure we don't have to cut anyone off mid-sentence to stay on schedule.
  • I bought a bundle of 3 or 9 sessions. How does the schedule work?
    For our 3-session bundle, you do one 45 minute session per week for three consecutive weeks. For our 9-session bundle, you do one 45 minute session per week for three consecutive weeks, take one week off from coaching to make progress on your action steps, then repeat that process again twice more. A 9-session bundle looks like this: Month 1 (bundle sessions 1-3): 1st week: a 45 minute session 2nd week: a 45 minute session 3rd week: a 45 minute session 4th week: no session Month 2 (bundle sessions 4-6): 1st week: a 45 minute session 2nd week: a 45 minute session 3rd week: a 45 minute session 4th week: no session Month 3 (bundle sessions 7-9): 1st week: a 45 minute session 2nd week: a 45 minute session 3rd week: a 45 minute session 4th week: no session ("Months" don't have to be calendar months. If your first session is the third week of a calendar month, that's the first week of your bundle "month" and you'll do three sessions each week, then one week off, then three sessions the next week, and so on.) You schedule the day of the week and time of each of your appointments. We suggest booking the same day of the week and time each for each session, but it is not required.
  • Can I schedule two sessions on the same day (maybe back-to-back)?
    We recommend that you spread out your sessions to approximately once a week. However, if you feel there is going to be more to talk about than can fit into a 45 minute session, you can schedule multiple sessions back-to-back.
  • Can I contact my coach between sessions?
    Yes! Please email your coach to share any wins you have between sessions. If you feel overwhelmed by an obstacle that was discussed in a previous session and need extra encouragement please reach out via the method discussed with your coach. We allow brief phone calls between sessions during business hours for extraordinary circumstances.
  • Do I need a computer or smartphone for coaching?
    No. We are happy to coach you on a regular phone call.
  • Are there instructions on how to set up Zoom (video chat)?
    Yes. (Please note: most modern laptops, smartphones, and tablets have built-in cameras. In the rare case that yours does not have a built-in camera, you will need an external webcam to utilize Zoom video chat.) You can download and install the Zoom app on your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. For help with how to get the Zoom app: If you would rather just connect to Zoom via your web browser (without downloading the Zoom app), let your coach know and they will provide you a Meeting ID that you can use at when your session is set to begin. To make things a little smoother, we suggest creating a (free!) Zoom user ID so you can sign in each time and have Zoom know who you are right away for an easy connection with your coach.
  • What if I can no longer continue further sessions in a bundle I have purchased? Can I get a refund?
    We will handle this on a case-by-case basis if the circumstances are out of your control. However, simply deciding you are no longer interested in attending your bundle's remaining sessions is not a refundable situation.
  • Can I schedule some sessions with one coach and others with another?
    At Cultivate Coaching, we stick with one coach per client so your coach knows your history and your current goals and action plans. If you go to book a session and your desired day or time is not open for your usual coach, please contact us so we can work with you to find a day and time (possibly off-hours) that works for you and your coach (rather than mixing coaches).
  • What payment methods do you accept?
    We accept most major credit/debit cards (through our website). If this does not work for you, please contact us to work out payments using checks or cash.
  • Are there additional taxes and/or fees added to the listed prices?
    No. The prices listed are all-inclusive.
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