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About Us

We are Jesse & Katy Cox, the husband & wife team of coaches behind Cultivate Coaching.


We both have our Bachelor of Science degrees in psychology from Campbell University and have spent the last 15 years working in the non-profit sector. Through our own empowering experiences with life coaches we became convinced we needed to be equipped to help others achieve their own personal and professional breakthroughs. The essence of our work is to explore how change happens and to create an optimal environment for growth and transformation. We are committed to walking with our clients from surviving to thriving, both personally and professionally. We both trained in coaching through PCCI and are pursuing accreditation through the International Coaching Federation.


A bit about each of us individually:

Jesse spent his early childhood in North Dakota (with summers spent on his family's farm in Minnesota) and he has had many wonderful adventures in life. Living in Kenya, motorcycling the length of the continent of Africa, backpacking and rock climbing around the world, and serving in the United States Marine Corps, he has experienced much in this life. After meeting with a Leadership Coach and experiencing firsthand the value and impact of coaching, he trained as a Leadership Coach through PCCI. Jesse is passionate about helping people get "unstuck". If you long for transformation on a personal or professional level Jesse would love to partner with you. He also has extensive experience working with faith leaders and with spiritual formation.

Katy was born and raised in rural North Carolina surrounded by both sides of her extended family (who all lived within five minutes of her childhood home!). She loves people and learning, which led her to train as a Life Coach through PCCI. She is passionate about meeting with people who are in the midst of transition, long for more in their current stage of life, live with chronic illness, or who want to experience evolution in their relationships or relationship status. Katy creates safe coaching relationships for her clients to feel comfortable asking hard and vulnerable questions about their lives. She journeys with you so that you can step boldly into your dreams and make the most of this one life we have to live.


We live in beautiful central North Carolina with our two children and a sweet Goldendoodle named Gracie.


Thank you for supporting our dreams by allowing us to help you cultivate yours!


-- Jesse & Katherine

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